Helping DSLD Horses with Hoof Boots
DSLD stands for Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (I've also seen it called Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Disease). In its advanced stages it is easy to spot as the pasterns eventually have a severely dropped appearance.

Image from
These photos are from the article I've linked below, which has more info. These are of the same horse before DSLD was apparent, and in advanced stages.
These photos are from the article I've linked below, which has more info. These are of the same horse before DSLD was apparent, and in advanced stages.
I can't tell you how many posts I've seen of someone who either just bought a horse, or was about to buy a horse, and posted pictures of it, with pasterns clearly dropped but having no clue their horse is in an advanced stage of DSLD. Unless you are doing it purely because you want to help the horse, do not purchase a horse with this condition. Typically they should not be ridden, and there is no cure.
You can help manage the horse's comfort however. Often special shoeing packages are used. Boots have been difficult in the past. Why? Looking at the advanced-stage photo you can see that with most boots, including traditional Scoots, the horse's pasterns would be dropping right onto the top of the heel strap (or back of the boot in enclosed boots) causing severe rubs. I have fit a few DSLD horses in traditional Scoots but not in such an advanced stage, with extra careful fitting, doubled up EVA gaiters, and all sorts of admonitions to the owners to keep an eye on things.
Enter Enduros.

Because the heel straps are extremely low profile (a narrower strap is also available) and can sit lower on the heel, a DSLD horse is much less likely to have issues with rubs from bumping the heel strap as the pastern drops.
Once the horse reaches the stage of the horse in the advanced stage showen above, even Enduros may be problematic, but these horses often want pads anyway, and not only can that add comfort, but can also help the heel strap sit lower below the "bump zone". That's another thing about Enduros - you can use thicker padding than traditional Scoots. If that doesn't seem to be working, and the horse needs protection, glue on boots or composite shoes may be the best option at that point.
This article has more info: